Not getting pregnant? Worried about Infertility? Confused about what is In Vitro Fertilisation or IVF? Do you find yourself wondering, "How much will IVF cost?, When should I see a reproductive endocrinologist?" Deciding to see a reproductive endocrinologist for In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a big step. The thought of seeing an infertility specialist often causes apprehension, anxiety, and fear. But knowing what to expect can help ease many fears.
this website you will learn:
This site also includes:
what to expect from your doctor
basic IVF terminology
the types of tests
usually done
a list of
additional resources
how IVF is typically performed
a printable list of questions to take
with you for your appointment.
how to make the best decision
With this information, you will be able to communicate
more easily with your doctor, make better decisions, and have a greater
understanding of the process.