Finding the right IVF clinic for you
Finding the right IVF clinic for you may seem like an overwhelming task.
Nothing in anyone's experience prepares them their first visit to an infertility
specialist. So, where do you start?
Very likely, you were referred to one or more clinics, perhaps through your
family doctor or a support organisation. Although referrals are a good place to
start, you will still want to find out as much as you can about the clinic(s)
and their experience with IVF. Often, time is a critical factor when it comes to
fertility, so it's important to avoid any wasted time or effort.
The words, phrases, and initials that describe IVF protocols and clinics will
probably seem strange to you at first. But as you progress through this website,
you will soon become more comfortable with the unique terminology of IVF. Words that may be unfamiliar to you are highlighted in blue, and when you click on these words they will be explained in the